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Meet Dr. Jeff A. Evans

Dr. Jeff EvansThank you, for taking the time to read about our clinic and what we offer.  It is important to understand that Chiropractic is NOT about just getting out of pain.

Chiropractic and I have had a long history. I have been receiving the benefits of chiropractic care since I was 10 years old. My dad started taking me after he experienced results after a gallbladder problem. I started getting adjusted and taking nutrition whether I had symptoms or not. In fact, my whole family started under care. I always looked at my chiropractor and dentist with the same light. “You brush and floss your teeth because you want to keep them, and you get adjusted because you want to keep a healthy spine and nervous system.” This taught me at an early age to take care of my spine and nervous system because it plays such a pivotal role in health. The benefits where so great that it inspired my brother and I both to go to Chiropractic school at Life University in Marietta, GA. Upon graduating in 2001 we came to South Carolina and as they say “The rest is history”. Well, we are still making history!

I think that natural health care is in the spotlight. Our community is looking for alternatives and more natural ways to heal and stay healthy. We want our patients to take an active role in their health and not a re-active role in their disease. We coach our patients to have a preventative attitude when it comes to their health and well being. We pride ourselves in staying up to date on current research and modalities in order to help our patients heal and improve long term outcomes. We are constantly striving to help as many families as we can to achieve their health goals. Whether it be a baby with colic, a dad with low back pain, a mother with headaches, or a grandparent with arthritis, we have techniques that help their bodies heal naturally.

Outside the Office

When I’m not at work, I enjoy exercising, reading, playing golf and most of all spending time with my beautiful wife, son and daughter.

Get Started Today

Enough about me! How can we help you reach your health goals? Give Waccamaw Chiropractic & Wellness Center a call so we can help you take your first step towards better health!

Dr. Jeff A. Evans | (843) 357-9617